As a member you will help us Honor and Recognize all military veterans serving or having served to protect our Freedom and Great Nation.
Join Us
You can become a member for $50 annually. Our members may join us in providing the following services to the community:
1. Dedicating resources to the preservation, public recognition, and education of our veterans and military history
2. Veterans Wall of Honor tours for visitors
3. Presentations to organizations, schools, and businesses covering our history
4. Actively growing our community and capabilities to “Honor Veterans”
5. Supporting and working with our local “Honor Guard”
New membership package. Shirts are an additional $20.
Membership form takes up to one week to process.
Pay By Check
If you will be paying by check, please ensure that you have received confirmation from our Membership team that your application has been approved. Then send the your check to the following address:
NWA Veterans Council
101 Veterans Way
Bella Vista, AR 72714